Dam Nukes

I’ve written before about the advantages of nuclear power (see also the posts Nuclear Spring, Thermal Depolymerization, and Nuke Me).

As the late, great Petr Beckmann (brochures of Petr Beckmann’s Einstein Plus Two, interviews, related dissident physics material; more Beckmann/dissident physics links) pointed out, nuclear is not only the cleanest it is the safest form of energy. Soft energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric are dirtier and more dangerous. For example hydroelectric dams may collapse, flooding and killing literally tens of thousands of people in the man-made valley outside the dam. Case in point is the recent evacuation of the area around the dam in Massachussetts.

Incidentally, LFB is promoting UNDEREXPOSED: What If Radiation Is Actually GOOD for You?, by Ed Hiserodt who, from what I can tell, promises to be another great champion of scientific reason and industrial progress–Beckmann’s successor? See, e.g., his little article Plutonium Twaddle. Kudos, Ed!


2:16 pm on October 18, 2005