Conservatives versus the GOP

Murray Sabrin claims W is actually the son of LBJ. The two Texans have much in common (support for war, welfare, deficit spending) but at least LBJ did not claim to be anything other than a power-hungry pol. One other thing that LBJ and Bush have in common is a willingness to use hardball tactics on reluctant legislators, as documented by Robert Novak. Notice it is conservatives who try to live up to the GOP’s small government rhetoric who get the rough treatment. Even George Will protests the GOP’s abandonment of all principles except power-lust and predicts that the GOP may someday pay a price for using the type of tactics they condemned when the Democrats held power.
That day may come soon if the grassroots conservatives who comprise the party’s base wake up to how the K Street conservatives are playing them for suckers.


9:34 pm on December 2, 2003