Conservatives and the TSA

The conservative Heritage Foundation is opposed to the TSA—but mainly because it has grown into an “just another entrenched bureaucracy.” “We need the TSA,” says James Carafano, who mentions a Heritage Foundation study from last year that suggested redefining the mission of the TSA from a provider of airport security to a maker of “aviation security policy and regulations.” The airports would assume responsibility for screening but “supervised by a federal security director.” What conservatives ultimately want is just a more efficient police state run by conservatives.

Since when does the federal government have the authority to provide security or make security regulations for private companies? Convenience store robberies are a much bigger problem than terrorists bringing bombs on airplanes. How about the federal government providing security at convenience stores or supervising security at convenience stores by a federal convenience store security director? Sounds ludicrous I know, but it ought to sound just as ludicrous for the federal government to handle security at airports. Why doesn’t it?

For a libertarian view of airline security, see here.


7:47 am on April 2, 2012