
In one of my favorite Simpsons episodes, McBain (played by the Ahnold analog Renier Wolfcastle) gets on his radio and says “McBain here. Under attack by Commie-Nazis.” Following him are fighter jets piloted by obviously Prussian-looking, foreign sounding types with hammer & sickle swastikas on their planes.

A nice joke.

This graish nightmare of a web site, however, is apparently not a joke. The web has the ability to make any yahoo with some skill look like more than a yahoo with some skill (go here sometime if you doubt me), and I have no dobut, given how pathetic most of their “propaganda” is, that these are simply a few yahoos with some skills and a pirated copy of a really old version of Photoshop. Soviet Teutons, a kind and gentle Stalin and flaxen-haired Russian girls saving the planet from Capitalism and Liberalism! Despite the fact that’s is just about every evil you can possibly imagine wrapped up into one foul and nasty ideology, it’s the perfect entertainment for twisted folks like me.

Here’s a sample of their political program is:

3. Global purpose of National-bolshevism is the creation of Empire from Vladivostok up to Gibraltar on the basis of Russian civilization. The purpose will be achieved in four stages: ?) Transformation of Russian Federation into the national state Russia by Russian Revolution, b) Joining of the territories of former republics of the Soviet Union, inhabit by Russians c) Rallying around of Russians Eurasian nations of the former USSR. d) Creation of huge continental Empire.

4. Having come to power, NBP will make revolutionary on the scales of transformation in Russia, will construct the TOTAL STATE, the human rights will concede a place to the rights of a nation. Inside the country the iron Russian order, climate of discipline, bellicose and diligence will be established.

Given their admiration for Joseph Stalin, you don’t even want to know what their economic ideas are…


4:35 pm on November 10, 2005