Climate Change: The Default Answer for Every Disaster

I was wondering when the pundits (or “experts,” as they are called in the media) would blame the Australian wildfires on “climate change,” and it did not take long. Now, Australia, with its dry grasslands and vegetation that is more combustible than in most places, has been the most fire-prone continent on earth, and always has suffered from wildfires.

Of course, the “answer” is to destroy the modern economy and do away with the satanic carbon dioxide, and put the Greens in charge. However, at the very end of the article, we find out just why the fires were so fierce: long-time suppression of fires has made for explosive undergrowth, as explained by a real expert:

Monash University researcher David Packham said authorities had failed to properly manage Australia’s forests, providing fuel for the fires.

He suggested they could learn from Aborigines, who for thousands of years conducted controlled burn-offs in the forests in order to prevent massive conflagrations.

“We have thumbed our noses at what these people did and knew and we just can’t keep on doing it,” he said.

However, an answer based upon real science simply is not good enough for the political classes these days. The whole Global Warming scare is nothing but an excuse for the political classes to run the lives of everyone else.


8:54 am on February 9, 2009