Cato-Bandow and the Temptations of Power

The Liberty & Power blog is now discussing the Cato-Bandow scandal.

As I noted in a comment there–Lew Rockwell presciently wrote, way back in 2003, a post entitled Why the Beltway Loves Libertarians, where he wrote: “If you want a protectionist argument made, so much better to get a free-trader to do it. Here Cato’s Doug Bandow oppos[ing] free trade in pharmaceuticals.” This was during the Cato drug reimportation controversy–for more on this see Protectionist Cato? and Cato Tugs Stray Back Onto the Reservation. See also Tom DiLorenzo’s 2003 post, More on Cato’s Protectionism.

The danger of corruption from the government is one reason I was a bit trepidatious when I read that The Objectivist Center recently decided to relocate to DC. Hopefully, they will resist entangling alliances.


3:21 pm on December 17, 2005