Catholic (?) Universities

Thomas Woods’ link to his Human Events piece reminded me of a particularly stupid debate that took place at Georgetown University during my two years of graduate study there from 1997-99.

The Jesuit school was discussing the “propriety” of putting crucifixes in classrooms. And the main argument against, as I recall, was that crucifixes would offend non-Catholics. Things went round and round on this. I was a non-Catholic at the time (Muslim, which I am no longer, though I am still a non-Catholic), and found the discussion amusing. It is a Catholic school, I concluded, and who am I to be offended by whatever religious symbols they hang on their walls? I do not have to be here. No one has to be here. It is therefore pointless to be offended. Or think that being offended matters much.

I do not know how Georgetown solved that “problem.” I don’t much care, since the university is more the fifth branch of the US government (the fourth being the DC press corps) serving Power, Caesar and his needs than it is a religious university serving the Truth, the Church and God’s people.


11:52 am on May 17, 2005