Bush’s Lesson

Writes Professor Jack Douglas: “I saw on CNN this morning that Bush has just said publicly that the lesson for America from the Vietnam War is that you must not quit too soon.

“If I heard it about anyone else, I would not believe it. But I believe Bush said it just to show he’s the most cussed sidewinder who ever lived. All he convinces me of is that he is the dumbest ruler in human history.

“Of course, he could simply be trying out for a bit on Comedy Central. I broke out laughing at six in the morning when I heard it. If he’s not the dumbest, then he’s the funniest.

“I used to think of him as the dumb Dauphin Joan of Arc had to deal with–or George III in his worst bout of madness. But this is far beyond that.”


1:54 pm on November 17, 2006