Buckley’s Culpability

Writes Professor Richard Timberlake:

I just read your piece on Buckley’s culpability for the Iraq War. I agree with your argument 100 percent. I kept saying the same things you did, as did so many others. It is and was amazing to me how many “conservatives” could accept the Bush war program, some reluctantly, but many enthusiastically.

I once had an economic argument with Buckley, which he creditably printed in National Review. It was at the time John Anderson was promoting a big tax on gasoline, and Buckley chimed in at fifty cents per gallon. (Gas was then selling at about $1.00 a gallan.) I argued that it was both unnecessary and uneconomic. He replied in the next issue with arguments that made me understand why he wrote the book, God and Man at Yale. He claimed that he was mistaught by left-wingers and charlatans (I think). At any rate, his reply to my arguments in National Review was nonsensical. So I could understand that he had not learned any economics at Yale. (It was in NR for October 31, 1980 –a while ago.)


4:48 pm on July 3, 2004