As Usual, “Economist” A-Paul-ing Krugman Has It Exactly Backwards

“Economist” Krugman’s latest ignorance on how to “help” our depressed economy grow: “Spend, spend, spend” (as if I had to tell spell it out for you savvy LRC readers). And, of course, raise taxes on the one group of people that actually do the right thing to grow an economy (i.e., investing): the rich. Yes, A-Paul-ing, continue doing the exact thing that got us into this mess to begin with: people should spend money that they don’t have (i.e., go even more into debt) on things they can’t afford (houses) or they don’t need (new cars and/or the latest electronic gizmos fad).

Also, how come little Davy Kramer knows that the very richest people in this country pay less, as a percentage of their income, than even their secretaries, but the “esteemed” Ig-Nobel Prize winning “economist” Paul Krugman doesn’t? (And it was meant to be that way from the very inception of the personal income tax.) Perhaps the Keynesian “economist” doesn’t read pro-business Forbes Magazine.

Finally, to add insult to injury, this massive debt that the government is accumulating will not be paid by Krugman’s children (nor their children) as it will by those of you who do have children. You see, Paul Krugman does not have children. (That’s one gene pool that we should be grateful will not be continuing.)


11:10 am on September 3, 2010