Arizona Government Murderers Found Innocent of Murder by Arizona Government

As a libertarian, I firmly believe that any law against a victimless crime should not exist in the first place. Therefore, in my view any person who is arrested for a victimless crime is a political prisoner. Marcia Powell was arrested by employees of the government of Arizona for the victimless crime of prostitution. She died in one of their prisons because she was placed for FOUR HOURS (the state’s own legal limit is TWO HOURS) in an outdoor cage in unbearable heat WITHOUT EVEN WATER. That unbearable heat was ruled as the cause of her death. Other employees of the government of Arizona have found NO EMPLOYEE of the government of Arizona guilty for this crime of murder (which, actually, comes after the initial crime of kidnapping by employees of the government of Arizona of Marcia Powell and holding her as a prisoner).

[Thanks to Travis Holte]


9:20 pm on September 3, 2010