And I always thought Alec Baldwin was an idiot

In “To Hell With Wallstreet,” on HuffPo:

If you give them the $700 billion, make them issue stock. Make every recipient of the bailout issue stock in return for our “investment.” Don’t give them the dough. Make them sell a stake in their companies. Banks, investment firms, insurance companies, you name it. … To Hell with Wall Street. The current Wall Street. Why prop up a system that may soon devolve into Three Big Banks, only to watch one of those fold after the election? … Remember one of the most damning things about this government: they lie. All the time. There is likely more to come. And $700 billion will not cover it. So, they’ll come back for more. A lot more.

Of course, despite his “indignation,” he will still support Obama even though his position is indistinguishable from McCain’s. And note the telling word, bolded above: this. What an idiot. He senses that the state lies… but he contorts his integrity and coherence to try to pin it on the Bush administration. Only this government lies. Not all of them. Just put your do-gooder friends in charge, and all will be well.


7:56 pm on October 1, 2008