All Hail the Duce

The Leader ascends to the fasces-festooned podium in the awful US Capitol. He calls for more pork-barrel projects, protectionism, war, taxes, spying, nationalism, state jobs, student debt, business debt, homeowner debt, bureaucratic medicine, environmentalism, redistributionism, and general Mussolinism. Oh, and he publicly embraced Tim Geithner. But has dictatorship ever been so galactically boring? It’s authoritarian Sominex. I had to turn it off. Thank goodness for Steve Jobs, my president, and the iPad announcement.

UPDATE from Jeff Papazian, who was paying more attention than I:

What incredible irony that Obama gave the specific example of a glazier as a “beneficiary” of the “stimulus plan.”  Bastiat would have gotten a kick out of that!


8:39 pm on January 27, 2010