All Hail Eric Margolis!

So the evil, conniving, unprincipled, corrupt, murderous, neocon, thin-shouldered mama’s boys who run the Canadian government, under the puppetship of the U.S. government, get Eric Margolis fired from the Toronto Sun shortly afer the Sun accepted a bundle of bribe money from the Canadian government.  What a shocker.  Do yourself a favor and read some of Eric Margolis’s articles here on and you will immediately notice how they are orders of magnitude superior to the puerile rantings and ravings of the Bill Kristols, David Brookses, Max Boots,  David Frums, or any of the other neoconmen.  That includes Rush “I will defend any crime, as long as it is done by a by a Republican” Limbaugh, Hannity, and all the other neocon media whores.


3:59 pm on July 24, 2010