Against the Rope

Congratulations to Paul Craig Roberts and William Anderson for opposing the DSK lynch mob, so clearly a product of a CIA-DGSE op. Strauss-Khan had questioned dollar hegemony, and threatened to defeat US agent Sarkozy in the French presidential election. He had to be replaced with Christine Lagarde, a product of the Rahm-Barack Chicago gang. Oh and see here and here. BTW, if I had had any doubts, the attempt of Beltway “libertarians”—some of whom are notoriously close to the CIA—to ridicule and demonize dissenters, would have wiped them away. (Thanks to Robert Hiett)

UPDATE from Brandon Christensen:

Professor Jacques Delacroix evidently felt the same way. Be sure to peep the date of his post!  Thanks for being so bad ass, Lew!

UPDATE Bob Wenzel has questioned the anti-DSK hysteria since the beginning. See his latest.


9:35 am on July 2, 2011