A Texas Bar Journal Cover DiLorenzo Will LOVE

In the February issue of the Texas Bar Journal, three scintillating pieces glorifying the Tyrant:

As the magazine notes: “Abraham Lincoln is revered as America’s greatest president, but he is also one of our most admired lawyers. This year, the country celebrates the bicentennial of Lincoln’s birth. To honor the occasion, the Texas Bar Journal provides a look at Lincoln the lawyer. Mark E. Steiner discusses Lincoln’s legal career, while Talmage Boston examines the characteristics that made Lincoln a good lawyer. We also have, in Lincoln’s own words, his advice to lawyers.”

I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with lawyers.Update: In addition to the Texas Bar Journal‘s Lincoln love, B. pointed me to the current issue of the ABA Journal, and Bob Roddis told me that “In Michigan, we “enjoyed” our own Lincoln celebration by the Michigan Bar last April.”


1:22 pm on February 13, 2009