A Strategy Manual for the Liberty Movement

I have long felt that strategy was the weak link in the libertarian movement. In 2004, my book Political Class Dismissed helped spark an early version of the tea party movement in Buffalo and Western New York, which has the biggest and most oppressive government structure in the country. Even though it was obvious that the greedy and self-serving political class had destroyed a once-great city, we were unable to defeat the machine through conventional politics. So, back in 2005-6, I started working on strategies and tactics involving direct citizen action, that is, political action other than electoral politics and lobbying. Due to the day job, it took me three years to fire my first salvo in this effort, Government Schools Are Bad for Your Kids (Nov. 2009). Today on Amazon, I published a more complete guide to direct action, detailing ten different and potentially devastating methods. The book is ideal for those libertarians who eschew electoral politics. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the third installment of my tax revolt trilogy, Direct Citizen Action: How We Can Win the Second American Revolution Without Firing a Shot.


7:32 pm on March 19, 2010