A Message of Hope

Writes Stephen Dolenc: “I am a sophomore at Virginia Tech. I had a message of hope I wanted to share with your readers in this time of disappointment brought on by the primary and caucus results.

“I am convinced that we will compare this Ron Paul movement to the American Revolution a century (or two) from now. Each major event in the original Revolution will have a corollary to today’s Revolution. This struggle we are engaging in seems quixotic and we will experience many setbacks, disappointments, and failures, but our success is as definite as the success of our founders. We must have courage and hope. We are fighting for things far greater than ourselves; we can’t forget that. Our perseverance must continue far beyond this election; it is our obligation as true freedom-loving patriots to combat the terribly unconstitutional policies that have led this country down a path of corruption and destruction. Saving the Republic will take all of us — I know we can do it because we will do it.”


11:28 pm on February 6, 2008