A Liberal Apostate From the Cult of Liberal Lincoln-Worshipping

Bill and Lew: I’d like to know if any of these ignorant liberals have ever criticized über-liberal Gore Vidal for his excoriation of Lincoln in his brilliant historical novel on Dictator Abe. Probably not. Just like their deafening silence on liberal Obama’s escalation of neocon Bush’s war on “terror” in Afghanistan plus Obama’s extending the war on “terror” into Pakistan and Yemen.

By the way, considering that Krugman has previously tried to belittle Austrian economist Robert Murphy, this latest belittling of another Austrian economist—Thomas DiLorenzo—shows that Austrian economics is clearly in Stage Two of Mahatma Gandhi’s four stages of  how a “revolutionary” idea is eventually accepted into the mainstream consciousness:

1) First they ignore you,
2) Then they laugh at you,
3) Then they fight you,
4) Then you win.

UPDATE: Kevin Derby has sent me an essay written by Gore Vidal where he replies to some liberal “scholars” who did take to task Vidal’s Lincoln apostasy. (No—none of the “scholars” mentioned in Bill’s or Lew’s posts are in Vidal’s essay.)


4:20 pm on February 9, 2011