A is A

Bob, the fact that the foreign policy of the Randian automatons exhibits all the learning and subtlety of Geraldo Rivera tells us all we need to know about organized Randianism. Here they are all pleased with themselves for their antistatism, and yet they go ahead and accept every single propaganda line of the U.S. government in one of the most transparent propaganda campaigns in history (the Iraq war, of course). And they continue to believe what the government tells them even after every single premise of the war has been exposed as a lie. These are the champions of reason who warn us not to accept anything on faith?

Whatever happened to their hatred for seeing “man’s mind” shackled by religion, government, and all those things? They’re going to make an exception to this rule when it comes to — of all things — the pronouncements of George the Genius? A bit of a contradiction, no? Have they forgotten that A is A?


10:08 pm on August 16, 2004