100% Tax on Goldman Sachs?

All the congressional criminals, led by capos Paulson and Bernanke, claim that the bailout will protect the taxpayers, because when the almost worthless assets are sold, taxpayers will reap the alleged benefits. Of course, by “taxpayers” they mean the state. As if we benefitted from the government getting more money to waste and do damage with.

But here is an idea for the bailouters. Any firm leeching off the taxpayers (the actual ones) via the bailout will not benefit. That is, for example, that no Goldman Sachs stock or bond may be sold for more than their value when the bailout was first announced, if they take the welfare. If prices rise, then a 100% tax will be levied on any increase, to be used for tax credits for the people at large. Even leftist-populist Barney Franks, who blabs about CEO pay, would be horrified by such an idea, because the purpose of the bailout is to enrich Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, etc.


11:38 am on September 28, 2008