SURPRISE! Campus Noose Drawing Was Created By Black Students. NO CHARGES FILED For ‘Hate Crime’

Two black students at Salisbury University drew a stick figure hanging from a noose on a whiteboard in the taxpayer-funded school’s library, police say. The image also featured the word “Nigger!” (with the exclamation point) and the hashtag #WhitePower


The hoax incident caused great calamity on the 8,657-student campus in Salisbury, Md. The Salisbury University Police Department initiated a hate-crime investigation. However, upon learning that the unidentified students are black, authorities chose to file no charges, reports The Daily Times, a local newspaper.

The racist image appeared on a Blackwell Library on April 10, around the time of the school’s eighth annual “Stop Hatin’” week, which centers on diversity and acceptance.

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