Bastard Nation: America’s Welfare State Comes of Age

You knew this, but it’s nice to be reminded. We get what we pay for. Conservatives 60 years ago said this would happen. It happened. It will keep happening. There is no turning back until the welfare state runs out of other people’s money.

You want an explanation for America’s growing inequality? Start here. The federal government, of course, never starts here. State and local governments never start here. Liberal media never start here. But we should.

When a society defines a family as a married couple, the following does not happen. When it defines a family as an unmarried mother, children, and a welfare check, this is the result.

[amazon asin=1594037256&template=*lrc ad (left)]It can be summarized on a bumper sticker. “They copulate. We pay.”

Yes, yes, I know: I am not politically correct. Tough.

All of this follows from a fundamental economic law: “When the state subsidizes a particular lifestyle, it gets more of this lifestyle.” Simple. Easy to remember. Never mentioned in polite company.

Call me impolite.

The voters have always known this. But the voters have been guilt-manipulated by liberals. The voters have chosen not to pay attention to economic cause and effect.

Now a new generation of voters is coming of age. They will vote.[amazon asin=0990463109&template=*lrc ad (right)]

If you count a generation as spanning 20 years, then approximately 36 percent of the American generation born from 1993 through 2012 — which has begun turning 21 this year and will continue turning 21 through 2033—were born to unmarried mothers.

80,838,742 babies were born in the United States from 1993 through 2012, according to the birth reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and 29,007,173 of those babies were born to unmarried mothers.

That does not count the 40.6 percent of babies (1,605,643 out of 3,957,577) born in 2013 who were also born to unmarried mothers.

In fact, according to the CDC, at least 40 percent of the babies born in each of the last six years — 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 — were born to unmarried mothers.


(For the full article, click the link.)

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