Caveat Emptor

The head of Euro Pacific Capital and Euro Pacific Gold Fund (EPGFX) says the latest stimulus by the ECB, which resulted with a negative benchmark rate (-0.10%), is inflationary and bullish for gold. Much of the metals sold during the retracement were absorbed by deep pockets, with the intention of holding for the long haul and much higher prices. The net impact is a demand bottleneck that could pose big problems for short sellers, resulting with a short squeeze to the delight of gold bulls. The yellow metal posted a low last July and then re-tested it in December. Nonetheless, during the latest pullback, bears were unable to test either level. This price convergence is strongly bullish, especially given the sharp gold price rally this week. Government officials will pull out all the stops ahead of the upcoming elections to insure that voters are wearing rose colored economic glasses. He expects a new wave of monetary expansion – stimulus, creating the perfect melange of factors for higher precious metals prices. Considering a home purchase? Caveat emptor. Peter Schiff and the host ask cui bono – who benefits? The housing rebound appears to be a fata morgana, a mirage fomented by profligate stimulus efforts, low rates, government loans and Fed based MBS purchases, designed to lure in the unsuspecting public just before institutions unleash their huge inventories, causing the next 2007-like meltdown, trapping a fresh slew of unsuspecting mortgage buyers in overpriced McMansion debt shacks.

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