Public Servant: Public Tyrant

What do you call people who worry about what the other guy believes, what he privately does and how he raises his family? Politicians and politician wannabees. It is this odd class of humanity that feels impelled to pontificate how others must live, worship, believe and conform, yet exempts themselves from the review of those very same others. The media, the Fourth Estate which many call “the last empty lot on the left,” had once kept the politicians in check. Today the media is so hopelessly compromised politically and economically that western civilization is subjected to spin control instead of the truth.

One truth you will not hear in the media is this statement:


Think about it. Do you consider such behavior normal? If so, do those who achieve public office behave normally? Or do they behave differently?

We must consider that aspiring for elected office is a mental disease similar to Delusions of Grandeur. The office seeker not only thinks he or she is wiser and grander than the teeming masses he/she wants to "serve," but cares more than us average citizens. Being so much wiser, only they can tell us freedom-challenged plebeians how we must eat, believe, work, play, travel and even exist.

Make no mistake – anyone who willingly runs for public office is your enemy, not your friend. We are lusterless saps when we fall under their evil influence by joining them in political groups that have labels, such as Democrat, Socialist, Republican, Green Peace, Libertarian, et al. All such labels are meant to identify targets. And anyone who allows themself to be so identified is asking to have his or her freedom, if not their life, ended by another label group that gains power over them in the future.

Think outside the ballot box. Think, “No party is the only party.” Think of the Founding Fathers who hated the concept of interrupting their busy lives to govern and to legislate. This is why Congressional terms were limited to two years, because the Founders hated to be stuck serving their beloved country even though it was necessary “…to provide for the common defense.” What has replaced those great men and attitudes has ascended from the very pits of Hell:  tyranny by the-STATE-is-the-only-god central government.

If you don’t believe that our federal leaders think they’re God, then call your Congressional Representative and ask how much on an average was deducted last year from every Congresscritter’s paycheck for Social Security. The answer is, “Zero.” Congress passes mostly unconstitutional u2018laws' and sets them on your back, but exempts itself from the vast majority of them, just like the English kings we rebelled against.

We never really escaped from under the thumb of disdainful royalty, we just took the crown off one head and placed it over hundreds of other heads in Washington, D.C.

It used to be that the government feared us, just as George III learned to fear us. But today it is we who fear government because its kangaroo courts enforce unconstitutional "laws" with impunity since the media allowed itself to be neutered years ago by the IRS and FCC.

First there was asset forfeiture before conviction. When no one complained that evolved further into civil rights forfeiture before conviction. Today there is human rights forfeiture not only before conviction, but before charges are even read, without arraignment, without a trial and without even a phone call to let someone know why you’re missing.

Irritate anyone with a federal badge and you can be sent straight to prison without any rights at all, never hearing the charges against you, never knowing who it was who informed on you, and without knowing if you will ever have a day in court before you die naturally or due to inmate assault. Indefinitely.

In conquering Saddam’s Iraq, we have become Saddam’s Iraq. All because our elected officials are mentally ill like Saddam.

Those that honor the God of Abraham all realize that God has bound Himself in one thing alone:  to never, ever override the free wills of mankind, individually or collectively.

People who seek to override the free will of others are placing themselves above God. Those who seek to force you to do anything whatsoever against your conscience and human dignity are making themselves greater than God. To them, your property, your children and even your life are expendable when you challenge their bermensch supremacy.

You have the Natural Right to resist such individuals, even nations, by whatever means that are at your disposal. If you do not do so, and do so today rather than tomorrow, then you will become the very people spoken of by Winston Churchill:

"If you will not fight for your rights when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight – when your victory will be sure and not too costly – then you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and with only a small chance of survival.

There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

Ask yourself that why it is in the "Land of the Free" that our government has more people in jail per capita than any other nation on earth. We have over five times as many prisoners as communist China, which we view as more tyrannical than the USA.

Many will say that the Chinese are slaves to the state. Yet we are just like Chinese citizens in not comprehending our own slavery.

We Westerners do not see that we no longer can buy or sell property, get a job, travel, or even get married without government permission. All of this was brought to us by elitists who made careers of pretending to serve us while empowering only themselves. Mentally ill elitists.

People used to joke about “lunatics running the asylum.” The Marx Brothers were expert at such antics onscreen. But look around you, America, and see that the mentally ill are running this asylum-country.

And no one is laughing, except the new Groucho with the mustache and cigar who smirks as he sees the USA becoming more like him every day, just like his country that surrounds the ignoble and shameful Guantanamo Bay P.O.W. Dogpound. He finds great amusement that the US brought even “unlawful-combatant” kids there in hoods so that America doesn’t have to obey the same Geneva Convention that it demands that Castro and all other nations must obey.

When the asylum is overrun by its patients, even teenagers and children are put in cages while the elected lunatics preen before the cameras like Alice Cooper, anxious to welcome all of us to their nightmare.

September 27, 2003

Jack Duggan [send him mail] lives in Fort Apache (Hamilton, New Jersey, site of the anthrax mailings) with his family.