Another Shooting in the Public Prison System

Liberal America is upset again. There has been a shooting in the prison system.

This prison system, of course, goes by the name "public school district." This time it happened near San Diego. Prisoners in jails and penitentiaries get killed regularly. It is just that the majority of the American public has yet to realize that their public school systems are really nothing more than jails. They say libertarians and capitalists are deluded about the past. But they are the ones clinging to a outdated view of public schools, one that has not existed since educational ethnic and gender cleansing and union ownership of the schools. How else can we explain why they get so upset when an inmate grabs a weapon and kills some fellow inmates or guards?

These killings seem to be happening regularly. So it is time to expose public schools for what they are: massive, taxpayer-supported babysitting programs. It is bread and circuses, a way to have the juveniles looked after while the indolent laze and the working adults pay for the upkeep of the tax consumers, the $500 video game consoles, the credit-card vacations and the various other diversions and pseudo-responsibilities.

Many of the kids behave badly, have bad parents and the like, so the babysitting program lowers itself to handle the worst hard cases. A prison-like environment ensues. The language the authorities used immediately after the latest shooting illustrates the point. The sheriff said that students had been "detained" and "taken into custody" to give information about the events. Elementary school students nearby had been "placed in a lockdown situation" in case there was a madman about. Municipal police equipped with better combat gear than any army in the world except that of the United States patrolled the grounds.

Reasons, reasons, the industrialized production of news demands reasons. It quickly emerged that boys are the problem. Of course they are. The lesbian-dominated teacher's unions have had their way. They have destroyed the American family. Make a boy a girl and a girl a boy and some misguided but understandably confused mass of adolescent testosterone will snap. Experts with lisps from Northeastern colleges told us that boys need to make connections with adult men, they need to be able to communicate frustration and to cry. I don't know about the crying and communicating part, but dad used to be that "connection" in the world. The lesbians killed him long ago. They turned him into a fey and turned mom into a whining butch. What do they really expect? Girls would never run around such a prison with guns. They rule. Their T-shirts say as much.

Some see these shootings as evidence of our feminization. It is natural for women to trade security for liberty. They spend a lot of resources bringing us into the world. But now, even tax-paying, productive members of the male commonwealth have been co-opted. The majority of our number deserves the most contempt. They abetted our destruction in exchange for the sexual privileges implied in matrimony. Virtue is vice, vice is virtue, children are adults, adults are children, men are….you get the point.

Well, this happens when governments and labor unions get command of anything. They are corrupt by nature because they depend upon ever-increasing measures of control for their survival. They turn every child into a criminal that could be "taken into custody" and they turn every adult into a secret policeman. Every shooting at a school strengthens the bogeyman that the state will soon need to vanquish with more of our money.

Kids go on shooting, parents go on trading convenience for responsibility, the secret police go on infiltrating. The TV set drones on about "community-based solutions" as an empire in decline begets dictatorship in ascent. Life in the most advanced industrial economy in the world becomes a simple equation of kill or die, the mind numbs…

March 7, 2000

“Bob Smith” is a former Southern newspaperman now in temporary exile among the Yankees.